Lapel Pins are an inexpensive and distinctive choice for your employee recognition needs. Whether you are looking for a pin to present to distinguished employees who have provided years of dedicated service to your company, or a pin to provide incentive for a quarterly goal, Pincrafters is your source for the design and production of your perfect lapel pin.
Forbes Magazine recently published an article by Sylvia Vorhauser-Smith titled “How the Best Places to Work are Nailing Employee Engagement.” The drivers for engagement vary from region to region but “employee engagement is largely about social connections happening in organizations and aligning work experiences with employees’ cultural needs.”
Pincrafters is proud to be working with Capital One providing lapel pins for their employee recognition needs. Capital One adds a little bit of fun and competition to help build a culture of teamwork. Karen Gage recently shared some details about their incentive program.
As part of the Capital One incentive program, “associates and managers nominate each other based on help and great teamwork etc in each of the categories,” writes Karen Gage. “They are awarded a pin and a “fake dollar” for each award. In each month if they are awarded 10 teamwork nominations – they get 10 dollars but only one pin for that month. If they win at least 1 in each category every quarter they are an all star winner.”
Pincrafters is your trusted source for quality custom lapel pins.