Lapel Pin Recognition : American Workers Lapel Pins : Veteran Lapel Pins

lapel-pin-recognition-veteransLapel pins hold a proud tradition in recognition for labor and service.

Franklin D. Roosevelt awarded the “Army-Navy Production Award” to workers of the Bethlehem Steel plant in Pennsylvania on November 25th, 1941. 6,000 lapel pins were presented to every steel employee in the city that day. The efforts of Bethlehem Steel accounted for the building, reconditioning, or modernizing of over 37,000 ships for the WWII war effort. The lapel pins were attached to a pin card that read “An Army-Navy Production Award emblem is a symbol of outstanding service in the greatest production force in the world today – a united and free army of American workers.” One of the original lapel pins and pin cards is on display at the brand new National Museum of Industrial History in Bethlehem, PA.

PinCrafters has a fine selection of presentation and packaging options for your next order of custom lapel pins including custom pin cards, velvet pouches, and velvet boxes.

PinCrafters is proud to continue our work with many military organizations including the Armed Forces Families Foundation, the USS Wright Association, and the USS Hancock Association. PinCrafters is your trusted source for quality custom lapel pins. Our in-house sales staff and designers are experienced, friendly and committed to helping you on your next custom lapel pin order.